In the Toronto area? Request your own custom designed and super delicious cupcakes:

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Here are some tasty raspberry-vanilla cupcakes I made in honour of Halloween as well as in honour of Jamie- who abandoned ship at my work and is now on his way to Alberta. You'll be missed, Jamie!!

These cupcakes made me 45 minutes late for work, so we had a very unprofessional photo-shoot.. What of it!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cupcakes that bite back!

I have not posted in over a month. I have been losing sleep at night because of it, as I'm sure most of you have. It is not because I am lazy, busy or forgetful. It is because I have moved and don't have internet yet. And now that I have discovered that they offer FREE wi-fi at Starbucks, I may not ever get internet. Yes, I am THAT girl on her Mac Book sipping a latte in a Starbucks... ick. But enough about newly acquired douchette status, let's get to what really matters: cupcakes!

Me and one of my besties, Christine, enjoy all things vampire. We have read the entire Twilight and True Blood series, watch the movies/series together, and just like the rest of the world right now, we are vampire obsessed. It only made sense to base her birthday cupcakes on our obsession!

Chocolate Marshmallow werewolf

Vanilla vampire

Lemon cream-cheese human

Raspberry oozed out of each one

Monday, August 16, 2010

Grounded juicy beef between two buns, or chocolate sandwiched between vanilla cupcakes?

To many, nothing says summer like the smell of hamburgers sizzling on the BBQ. However, to me nothing says summer like the smell of freshly baked vanilla - chocolate hamburger cupcakes.

I made these cupcakes for my friend Jenna's birthday. My choice to make hamburger cupcakes was slightly ironic, as Jenna is a vegetarian.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I'm goin' down to South Park gonna have myself a time

Cupcakes are circles and they make me smile. South park characters embody these two qualities as well.

Par example:

So it's not my most creatively written blog post, deal with it!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Panda Watch!

Each time I watch Anchorman, a set of various emotions are stirred up. The most recent time was no exception. I absolutely fell in love with Lin-Wong the panda. The movie inspired me, as it often does, to research these cute and cuddly creatures.

While I knew that these lovable creatures were obviously endangered, it saddened me deeply to find out that there are approximately only 1,600 roaming the earth. It appalled me to find out that bamboo, their main source for food and shelter, is becoming very scarce because humans like us are moving into the bamboo forests.

While there are various options for us to help this cause, I decided to help by building my own pack of pandas.

Unfortunately, we will be back to where we started soon, as these pandas will be eaten.

For more information on the threatened state of these adorable balls of fur, check out the San Diego Zoo website, and be sure to watch the cutest video ever of a panda birthday party!

Friday, July 9, 2010

An Emotional tale of Pug Cakes

Lately I’ve been really missing having a furry, four-legged friend around. I miss the enthusiastic greeting I received when I walked through the front door. It made me feel as if I was the most important person in the world. I miss all the cuddles I’d get when I was feeling sad. I never felt lonely with her around! Most of all, I miss the unconditional love that me and that tiny little creature shared.

I have a little brother, named Pug. And since this kid at times can be charming or something, my family has always had a love affair with Pug dogs. So when/if I’m ever ready to love another dog again, it is going to be a Pug named Bryan.

Since lack of finances/rock star lifestyle can get in the way of this endeavor, I suppose for now, cupcakes will have to do. Which I guess, isn’t so bad!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I Heart Canada

I am proud to be Canadian, and in my mind nothing shows national pride better than beer, fireworks and of course, cupcakes.

Happy Canada Day everyone!!!

Monday, June 28, 2010


For the past two years, anyone that knows me can tell you I have a passion for cupcakes. This borderline obsession started two Christmases ago when my best friend Holly bought me a cupcake decorating book (Hello, Cupcake!). While going through a dark time in my life, I found that the work that went into these colourful creations were able to restore some joy back in my life. Afterall, it’s almost impossible not to smile when cupcakes are around! Cupcakes became my hobby, and I tackled many of the innovative designs in the book, and eventually started experimenting on my own.

Soon after, I began looking for any excuse or occasion to make cupcakes. I thrived on all of the gushing admiration I received for my cakes (I am a Leo, after all). I consider each and every little confection a work of art, and I love making people smile with these creations!

The cupcakes that spawned my obsession: Spaghetti and Meatballs (design via Hello, Cupcake!)