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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Panda Watch!

Each time I watch Anchorman, a set of various emotions are stirred up. The most recent time was no exception. I absolutely fell in love with Lin-Wong the panda. The movie inspired me, as it often does, to research these cute and cuddly creatures.

While I knew that these lovable creatures were obviously endangered, it saddened me deeply to find out that there are approximately only 1,600 roaming the earth. It appalled me to find out that bamboo, their main source for food and shelter, is becoming very scarce because humans like us are moving into the bamboo forests.

While there are various options for us to help this cause, I decided to help by building my own pack of pandas.

Unfortunately, we will be back to where we started soon, as these pandas will be eaten.

For more information on the threatened state of these adorable balls of fur, check out the San Diego Zoo website, and be sure to watch the cutest video ever of a panda birthday party!


  1. beautiful... very sweet and poignant....

  2. You HAVE to make these
