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Monday, January 10, 2011

A very lazy Monday spent on my couch - with cupcakes!

With the endless parties that December brings, I find myself, and most of the city, in Holiday Hangover mode. This, plus the bitter Toronto cold are what results in me attempting to take a small hiatus from an overly active social life, and try to become somewhat of a recluse for the duration of January (albeit, this past weekend I definitely failed at that).

After an intense Saturday night out with the girls, I find myself very lazy on this cold Monday evening. I don't want to cook, or clean, or do any of the other of the million things I ought to be doing. Instead, I want to curl up on my couch with some South Park DVDs and a TV dinner of the cupcake variety.

(Concept via Hello, Cupcake!) If you think the brownie is the worst part, it's because Stef made it (Just kidding, it's delightful!).

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