In the Toronto area? Request your own custom designed and super delicious cupcakes:

Monday, January 31, 2011

Lolli-cakes for Jeanie!

This past week was my mother's birthday. She lives in New Brunswick, and on most of her birthdays I usually drop the ball and either send her a card one or two months late, or give her a very belated present whenever I see her next - which is often May or June.

This year I decided to shock her and actually do something NICE!

I slaved in the kitchen and made these cute little cupcake pops, wrapped them up real purdy, and Fed-Exed them overnight to Fredericton!


Contact me to inquire about getting your own Lolli-cakes shipped to you.



  1. I had one and it was beautiful and scrumptious, Janna! I can also vouch for Gordon - he devoured it in one smiling gulp.
    Good work!

  2. Gordon can vouch for himself - excellent (and still smiling).

  3. You must have the BEST Mom in the world!!!!!!!!!!!! :)!! Those are so cute!

    -Sarah :)
