In the Toronto area? Request your own custom designed and super delicious cupcakes:

Monday, January 31, 2011

Lolli-cakes for Jeanie!

This past week was my mother's birthday. She lives in New Brunswick, and on most of her birthdays I usually drop the ball and either send her a card one or two months late, or give her a very belated present whenever I see her next - which is often May or June.

This year I decided to shock her and actually do something NICE!

I slaved in the kitchen and made these cute little cupcake pops, wrapped them up real purdy, and Fed-Exed them overnight to Fredericton!


Contact me to inquire about getting your own Lolli-cakes shipped to you.


Monday, January 10, 2011

A very lazy Monday spent on my couch - with cupcakes!

With the endless parties that December brings, I find myself, and most of the city, in Holiday Hangover mode. This, plus the bitter Toronto cold are what results in me attempting to take a small hiatus from an overly active social life, and try to become somewhat of a recluse for the duration of January (albeit, this past weekend I definitely failed at that).

After an intense Saturday night out with the girls, I find myself very lazy on this cold Monday evening. I don't want to cook, or clean, or do any of the other of the million things I ought to be doing. Instead, I want to curl up on my couch with some South Park DVDs and a TV dinner of the cupcake variety.

(Concept via Hello, Cupcake!) If you think the brownie is the worst part, it's because Stef made it (Just kidding, it's delightful!).

Friday, January 7, 2011

Hello, 2011!

I hope everyone wrapped up 2010 successfully - surrounded by lots of family, friends and good food.

May 2011 bring you everything that 2010 didn't - and I hope that includes plenty of cupcakes! I have lots of great cupcake ideas for this year, don't forget to write/call/tweet/pigeon courier me if you want in on some of this sweetness!

Also, don't forget to join my Facebook fan page here!
