In the Toronto area? Request your own custom designed and super delicious cupcakes:

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

And I doubt I'll get it. Which is okay with me! Tomorrow I am leaving Toronto's mild temperatures for Madrid's slightly milder temperatures. I am skipping out on my traditional snowy, New Brunswick Christmas- which usually boasts tons of turkey, friends, family and Captain Morgan. I will be heading to Madrid for three weeks to experience the holidays done Spanish style! I am sad, as this will be my first Christmas without my lovely mother, Jeanie! But seƱor Mario is a treat too!

I made some cupcake treats for a girl's night Christmas party a couple of weeks ago. They are red velvet cupcakes, with a cream-cheese buttercream frosting. I also used fondant and gum paste. The snowflakes are each individually hand-carved, and hand-painted with blue and silver edible powder. And like real snowflakes, no two are alike!

Feliz Navidad a todos!!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick-or-treat, I made you something good to eat!

Today marks the day of All-Hallows-Eve. A wonderful day of the year, indeed! In previous years, it was a day where common activities included trick-or-treating, carving jack-o'-lanterns, apple bobbing and watching horror films.

In more recent years, it is synonymous with dressing as offensively/promiscuously as possible, while drinking as much as humanly possible. Resulting in good times with friends!

Here are some vanilla-buttercream lolli-cakes I made to honour one of my favourite days of the year, featuring the likeness of everybodies favourite Pumpkin King, Jack Skellington:

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Try some vegan/gluten-free hemp cupcakes!

So as many of you may know, I quit my job this week to pursue some of my dreams! 2011 has been an epic year thus far, many items have been crossed off my bucket list. For the month of August, I have a couple of pretty exciting travel plans, but I also have a couple of weeks of downtime. You know what that means- lots of time to make cupcakes!

Don't these make you salivate and want to buy an order or 5?! Half of these puppies are made with gluten free hemp flower, the other half are delicious vegan cupcakes (sounds like an oxymoron, I know!). A 6-pack of either of these specialty babies are only $30, or 4 for $22, and available in any design your little heart desires.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cupcakes for Mr. and Mrs. Misener!

On June 18, 2011 two great friends of mine tied the knot in Fredericton, NB. I was honoured to have Jason and Lindsay ask me to make their wedding cupcakes, as Janna Banana has never done cupcakes on such a grand scale before! The wedding was perfect, and the bride and groom looked amazing. Couldn't be happier for them. Congrats Jason and Lindsay!

Over approximately 18 hours, I managed to squeeze out 250 cupcakes, and one wedding cake topper. It was obviously a lot of work, but I had lots of help from my lovely family. It was also a blast, I can't wait to do it again!

A very special thank you to my family who fed and watered me in the final hour, and who let me boss them around in the assembly line, not to mention help with the intense clean up! You were perfect little elves, and I couldn't have done it without you!


First batch of vanilla-bean cupcakes. About 200 to go.

Getting there..

Slaving away.

Two out of five boxes of deliciousness.

Ta-da! The finished product.

They were a hit!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Sunshine and Cupcake-pops!

... and rainbow sprinkles!

Summer is finally here, and to celebrate bikini season I fashioned these colourful vanilla buttercream cake-pops. (My beach-bod secret: dish these badboys out to all my skinny friends - the juxtaposition may work in my favour, giving me the appearance of being svelte)

I also needed to show off my brand-spanking new business cards, thanks to my talented buddy Ryan Stever! Whom I still owe cupcakes and beer to - a winning combination, I'll have you know!

Don't forget to join my Facebook fanpage here!


Monday, April 18, 2011

It's Peanut-butter Jelly time!!!!!!!!

A new twist on the old classic - when I was a wee lass I was a pretty picky eater. I wanted a peanut-butter and jelly sandwich every day for lunch. That was clearly way back when, before peanut-butter was banned from being within 500 meters of elementary schools (something the spread and I have in common...)

I got these cute robot cupcake liners whilst visiting London, and tried out this brand-new recipe!

Cupcake eating party!

3 girls, 1 cupcake!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Lolli-cakes for Jeanie!

This past week was my mother's birthday. She lives in New Brunswick, and on most of her birthdays I usually drop the ball and either send her a card one or two months late, or give her a very belated present whenever I see her next - which is often May or June.

This year I decided to shock her and actually do something NICE!

I slaved in the kitchen and made these cute little cupcake pops, wrapped them up real purdy, and Fed-Exed them overnight to Fredericton!


Contact me to inquire about getting your own Lolli-cakes shipped to you.


Monday, January 10, 2011

A very lazy Monday spent on my couch - with cupcakes!

With the endless parties that December brings, I find myself, and most of the city, in Holiday Hangover mode. This, plus the bitter Toronto cold are what results in me attempting to take a small hiatus from an overly active social life, and try to become somewhat of a recluse for the duration of January (albeit, this past weekend I definitely failed at that).

After an intense Saturday night out with the girls, I find myself very lazy on this cold Monday evening. I don't want to cook, or clean, or do any of the other of the million things I ought to be doing. Instead, I want to curl up on my couch with some South Park DVDs and a TV dinner of the cupcake variety.

(Concept via Hello, Cupcake!) If you think the brownie is the worst part, it's because Stef made it (Just kidding, it's delightful!).

Friday, January 7, 2011

Hello, 2011!

I hope everyone wrapped up 2010 successfully - surrounded by lots of family, friends and good food.

May 2011 bring you everything that 2010 didn't - and I hope that includes plenty of cupcakes! I have lots of great cupcake ideas for this year, don't forget to write/call/tweet/pigeon courier me if you want in on some of this sweetness!

Also, don't forget to join my Facebook fan page here!
