In the Toronto area? Request your own custom designed and super delicious cupcakes:

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Heavenly Cookies and Cream Cupcakes

I've started a couple of new chapters in my life recently. My boyfriend and I moved into an awesome new place, and I got a new job that requires a month of training in Montreal. Just as soon as I get comfortable in the new casa, I had to get shipped out to la Belle Province.

Obviously to celebrate these milestones, I threw a shin dig. Complete with Party Punch served in an industrial-sized bucket with tap (made with literally every possible kind of alcohol known to mankind), and cupcakes!

These cupcakes were Cookies and Cream made with Oreos. I basically just made a super-moist, creamy vanilla cupcakes, added broken Oreo bits, and had a whole Oreo sitting on the bottom. For the icing, I made my favourite- Vanilla Cream-cheese, with more Oreos on top.

Oreo cookie base

My friend Christine's mom, Terri bought me a whole ton of these adorable, colourful liners. Really punches up my black and white cupcakes!

It looks like the cupcakes and punch were a hit.

All this Oreo talk got me missing this little nugget!