In the Toronto area? Request your own custom designed and super delicious cupcakes:

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

And I doubt I'll get it. Which is okay with me! Tomorrow I am leaving Toronto's mild temperatures for Madrid's slightly milder temperatures. I am skipping out on my traditional snowy, New Brunswick Christmas- which usually boasts tons of turkey, friends, family and Captain Morgan. I will be heading to Madrid for three weeks to experience the holidays done Spanish style! I am sad, as this will be my first Christmas without my lovely mother, Jeanie! But seƱor Mario is a treat too!

I made some cupcake treats for a girl's night Christmas party a couple of weeks ago. They are red velvet cupcakes, with a cream-cheese buttercream frosting. I also used fondant and gum paste. The snowflakes are each individually hand-carved, and hand-painted with blue and silver edible powder. And like real snowflakes, no two are alike!

Feliz Navidad a todos!!