In the Toronto area? Request your own custom designed and super delicious cupcakes:

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Try some vegan/gluten-free hemp cupcakes!

So as many of you may know, I quit my job this week to pursue some of my dreams! 2011 has been an epic year thus far, many items have been crossed off my bucket list. For the month of August, I have a couple of pretty exciting travel plans, but I also have a couple of weeks of downtime. You know what that means- lots of time to make cupcakes!

Don't these make you salivate and want to buy an order or 5?! Half of these puppies are made with gluten free hemp flower, the other half are delicious vegan cupcakes (sounds like an oxymoron, I know!). A 6-pack of either of these specialty babies are only $30, or 4 for $22, and available in any design your little heart desires.