In the Toronto area? Request your own custom designed and super delicious cupcakes:

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cupcakes for Mr. and Mrs. Misener!

On June 18, 2011 two great friends of mine tied the knot in Fredericton, NB. I was honoured to have Jason and Lindsay ask me to make their wedding cupcakes, as Janna Banana has never done cupcakes on such a grand scale before! The wedding was perfect, and the bride and groom looked amazing. Couldn't be happier for them. Congrats Jason and Lindsay!

Over approximately 18 hours, I managed to squeeze out 250 cupcakes, and one wedding cake topper. It was obviously a lot of work, but I had lots of help from my lovely family. It was also a blast, I can't wait to do it again!

A very special thank you to my family who fed and watered me in the final hour, and who let me boss them around in the assembly line, not to mention help with the intense clean up! You were perfect little elves, and I couldn't have done it without you!


First batch of vanilla-bean cupcakes. About 200 to go.

Getting there..

Slaving away.

Two out of five boxes of deliciousness.

Ta-da! The finished product.

They were a hit!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Sunshine and Cupcake-pops!

... and rainbow sprinkles!

Summer is finally here, and to celebrate bikini season I fashioned these colourful vanilla buttercream cake-pops. (My beach-bod secret: dish these badboys out to all my skinny friends - the juxtaposition may work in my favour, giving me the appearance of being svelte)

I also needed to show off my brand-spanking new business cards, thanks to my talented buddy Ryan Stever! Whom I still owe cupcakes and beer to - a winning combination, I'll have you know!

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