In the Toronto area? Request your own custom designed and super delicious cupcakes:

Monday, August 16, 2010

Grounded juicy beef between two buns, or chocolate sandwiched between vanilla cupcakes?

To many, nothing says summer like the smell of hamburgers sizzling on the BBQ. However, to me nothing says summer like the smell of freshly baked vanilla - chocolate hamburger cupcakes.

I made these cupcakes for my friend Jenna's birthday. My choice to make hamburger cupcakes was slightly ironic, as Jenna is a vegetarian.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I'm goin' down to South Park gonna have myself a time

Cupcakes are circles and they make me smile. South park characters embody these two qualities as well.

Par example:

So it's not my most creatively written blog post, deal with it!